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Contribute to mongox!

  • With your participation, mongox will become even more powerful!
  • You can contribute to mongox in the following ways:

Spread the Word About mongox

  • Share mongox on your blog, social media, and let more people know about it.
  • On GitHub, give mongox a triple hit (Star, Fork and Watch).
  • Write tutorials, blogs, videos, etc., to share your experience using mongox.
  • Help others solve problems on Stack Overflow and Github issues.

Participate in the Development of mongox

  • Submit Pull Requests on GitHub to fix bugs or add new features.
  • Write plugins for mongox to extend its functionality.


  • Fork the Project: Before you begin, please Fork mongox into your own GitHub repository so that you can make modifications and submit them from your own repository.
  • Set Up Development Environment:
    • Install Go: Ensure that you have installed Go, with a version higher than 1.18.
    • Install make Tool: mongox utilizes make to manage the project. Make sure you have installed the make tool.
    • Install Dependencies: Execute the make setup command in the project's root directory. This command will install the necessary dependencies and configure git hooks, code formatting, and code checking tools.

Contribution Process

  • Choose or Create an Issue (Optional): Before starting to write code, you can select an existing Issue to address or create a new Issue to describe your work and purpose. This helps in discussing your contribution in advance and ensuring it meets the project's requirements. If you choose to skip this step, you can proceed directly to the next step of writing code.

  • Write Code and Test Cases: Write code in your local repository based on project requirements. Follow the project's code style and standards to ensure code readability and maintainability. Additionally, remember to write corresponding test cases to validate the functionality you've implemented. Test cases should cover various scenarios, including edge and exceptional cases, to ensure code robustness and reliability.

  • Code Check and Formatting: Before submitting code, ensure it passes formatting and checks by running make check and make lint commands. This ensures your code complies with the project's code standards and quality criteria.

  • Code Testing: Before submitting code, ensure it passes through the provided testing tools. You can use make ut to run unit tests and make e2e to run integration tests.

  • Submit Pull Request: After completing your contribution and passing local tests, submit a Pull Request to the main branch of this repository. Clearly describe your modifications and reference any associated Issue in the PR description if applicable.

Participate in Writing Documentation for mongox

  • Submit Pull Requests on GitHub to fix documentation errors or add new documentation.