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Query Condition - $in

Function Build

Build the in query condition using the In function provided by the query package.

// bson.D{bson.E{Key:"name", Value:bson.D{bson.E{Key:"$in", Value:[]string{"Mingyong Chen", "Burt"}}}}}
query.In("name", "Mingyong Chen", "Burt")

Method Build (Builder)

Build the in query condition using the Builder builder provided by the query package.

// bson.D{bson.E{Key:"enabled", Value:bson.D{bson.E{Key:"$eq", Value:true}}}, bson.E{Key:"name", Value:bson.D{bson.E{Key :"$in", Value:[]interface {}{"Mingyong Chen", "Burt"}}}}}
query.NewBuilder().Eq("enabled", true).In("name", "Mingyong Chen", "Burt").Build()

The builder provided by the query package is suitable for building composite query conditions.

In addition to the In method, the builder also provides specialized build methods for different data types. These methods follow the In{Type} naming convention, such as InUnit(), InInt(), InString(), etc.