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The Updater() method is used to obtain a new generic updater object, namely Updater[T]. With the methods of Updater[T], we can execute relevant update operations.

Update a single document

updateResult, err := userColl.Updater().
		Updates(update.Set("name", "Mingyong Chen")).
  • The UpdateOne method is used to update a single document. The updateResult is of type *mongo.UpdateResult.

  • Through the Updates method, we can specify the operations for the update. This method accepts parameters of type any, allowing for any type of argument to be passed in, provided they conform to a valid update statement structure. In the example provided, update.Set("name", "Mingyong Chen") is used to specify that the name field should be updated to "Mingyong Chen". For more buildss of update statements, refer to the update package.

Update multiple documents

updateResult, err := userColl.Updater().
		Updates(update.Set("name", "Mingyong Chen")).
  • The UpdateMany method is used for updating multiple documents. The updateResult is of type *mongo.UpdateResult.

Upsert operation

updateResult, err := userColl.Updater().
		Filter(query.Eq("name", "Mingyong Chen")).
		Updates(update.NewBuilder().Set("name", "Mingyong Chen").Set("age", 18).Build()).
  • The Upsert method is used to update or insert a single document. The updateResult is of type *mongo.UpdateResult.