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The Creator() method allows us to obtain a new generic creator object, namely Creator[T]. With the methods of Creator[T], we can execute relevant creation operations.

Insert a single document

insertOneResult, err := userColl.Creator().InsertOne(context.Background(), &User{Name: "Mingyong Chen", Age: 18})
  • The InsertOne method is used to insert a single document. The insertOneResult is of the type *mongo.InsertOneResult. The second argument of the InsertOne method is a pointer object of the specified generic type, i.e., *User.
  • If we need to set the options parameter, we can pass it as the third parameter of the method.

Insert multiple documents

users := []*User{
		{Name: "Mingyong Chen", Age: 18},
		{Name: "Burt", Age: 18},
insertManyResult, err := userColl.Creator().InsertMany(context.Background(), users)
  • The InsertMany method is used to insert multiple documents. The insertManyResult is of the type *mongo.InsertManyResult. The second argument of the InsertMany method is a slice object of the specified generic type, with the elements of the slice being pointer types, i.e., []*User.
  • If we need to set the options parameter, we can pass it as the third parameter of the method.