The Deleter()
method allows us to obtain a new generic deleter object, namely Deleter[T]
. With the methods of Deleter[T]
, we can execute relevant deletion operations.
Delete a single document
deleteResult, err := userColl.Deleter().Filter(query.Id("60e96214a21b1b0001c3d69e")).DeleteOne(context.Background())
The DeleteOne
method is used to delete a single document. The deleteResult
is of type *mongo.DeleteResult
Delete multiple documents
deleteResult, err := userColl.Deleter().Filter(query.In("_id", "60e96214a21b1b0001c3d69e", "80e96214a21b1b0001c3d70e")).DeleteMany(context.Background())
The DeleteMany
method is used to delete multiple documents. The deleteResult
is of type *mongo.DeleteResult