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Model Hooks

You can set up hook functions for models (structs), and these hook functions will be called before and after MongoDB collection operations. For example, you can process a document before and after inserting it, or handle a document after querying it.

The currently supported hooks are:

Insert Hook

  • BeforeInsert: Called before inserting
  • AfterInsert: Called after inserting

Delete Hook

  • BeforeDelete: Called before deleting
  • AfterDelete: Called after deleting

Update Hook

  • BeforeUpdate: Called before updating
  • AfterUpdate: Called after updating

Upsert Hook

  • BeforeUpsert: Called before upserting
  • AfterUpsert: Called after upserting

Find Hook

  • BeforeFind: Called before querying
  • AfterFind: Called after querying

Note: Model hooks will only be enabled if EnableModelHook is set to true during plugin initialization (for details, refer to Enabling Built-in Plugins - Hooks).

Insert Hook

If you want to process a document before and after inserting it, you can implement the following specific hook methods:

BeforeInsert(ctx context.Context) error // Hook before insertion
AfterInsert(ctx context.Context) error  // Hook after insertion

Code example:

type User struct {
	mongox.Model `bson:",inline"`
	Name         string `bson:"name"`
	Age          int    `bson:"age"`

func (u *User) BeforeInsert(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("BeforeInsert called")
	return nil

func (u *User) AfterInsert(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("AfterInsert called")
	return nil

    EnableModelHook:        true,

user := &User{Name: "Mingyong Chen", Age: 18}
insertOneResult, err := userColl.Creator().InsertOne(context.Background(), user)

users := []*User{
    {Name: "Mingyong Chen", Age: 18},
    {Name: "chenmingyong", Age: 18},
insertManyResult, err := userColl.Creator().InsertMany(context.Background(), users)

// You can also use the ModelHook method to pass an object that implements the BeforeInsert and AfterInsert methods.
// Note: The object passed via ModelHook takes precedence over the parameters passed in the InsertOne method.
// userColl.Creator().ModelHook(user).InsertOne(context.Background(), user)

By passing an object that implements the BeforeInsert and AfterInsert methods via the ModelHook method, you can trigger these hook methods.

Note: The object passed via ModelHook takes precedence over the parameters passed in the InsertOne or InsertMany methods and will override those parameters.

Find Hook

If you want to perform some actions before querying a document or process the document after querying it, you can implement the following specific hook methods:

BeforeFind(ctx context.Context) error // Hook before querying
AfterFind(ctx context.Context) error  // Hook after querying

Code example:

type User struct {
	mongox.Model `bson:",inline"`
	Name         string `bson:"name"`
	Age          int    `bson:"age"`

func (u *User) AfterFind(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("AfterFind called")
	return nil

type findHook struct{}

func (b *findHook) BeforeFind(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("BeforeFind called")
	return nil

func (b *findHook) AfterFind(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("AfterFind called")
	return nil

    EnableModelHook:        true,

user, err := userColl.Finder().ModelHook(new(findHook)).Filter(query.Eq("name", "Mingyong Chen")).FindOne(context.Background())

users, err := userColl.Finder().Filter(query.In("name", "Mingyong Chen", "chenmingyong")).Find(context.Background())

By default, enabling EnableModelHook will only trigger the AfterFind method and not the BeforeFind method.

To trigger the BeforeFind method, pass an object that implements BeforeFind to the ModelHook method.

Note: The object passed via ModelHook takes precedence over the queried User object and will override the queried User object.

Delete Hook

If you want to perform some actions before and after deleting a document, you can implement the following specific hook methods:

BeforeDelete(ctx context.Context) error // Hook before deletion
AfterDelete(ctx context.Context) error  // Hook after deletion

Code example:

type deleteHook struct{}

func (d *deleteHook) BeforeDelete(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("BeforeDelete called")
	return nil

func (d *deleteHook) AfterDelete(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("AfterDelete called")
	return nil

    EnableModelHook: true,

deleteOneResult, err := userColl.Deleter().ModelHook(new(deleteHook)).Filter(query.Eq("name", "Mingyong Chen")).DeleteOne(context.Background())

deleteManyResult, err := userColl.Deleter().ModelHook(new(deleteHook)).Filter(query.Eq("name", "Mingyong Chen")).DeleteMany(context.Background())

By passing an object that implements the BeforeDelete and AfterDelete methods via the ModelHook method, you can trigger these hook methods.

Update Hook

If you want to perform some actions before and after updating a document, you can implement the following specific hook methods:

BeforeUpdate(ctx context.Context) error // Hook before updating
AfterUpdate(ctx context.Context) error  // Hook after updating

Code example:

type updateHook struct{}

func (u *updateHook) BeforeUpdate(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("BeforeUpdate called")
	return nil

func (u *updateHook) AfterUpdate(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("AfterUpdate called")
	return nil

    EnableModelHook: true,

updateOneResult, err := userColl.Updater().ModelHook(new(updateHook)).Filter(query.Eq("name", "Mingyong Chen")).Updates(update.Set("age", 6)).UpdateOne(context.Background())

updateManyResult, err := userColl.Updater().ModelHook(new(updateHook)).Filter(query.In("name", "Mingyong Chen", "chenmingyong")).Updates(update.Set("age", 6)).UpdateMany(context.Background())

By default, mongox will decide whether to trigger the BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate methods based on the updates parameter in the Updates method.

Since the updates parameter generally does not implement BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate methods, these methods are usually not triggered.

To trigger BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate, pass an object that implements the corresponding methods to the ModelHook.

Upsert Hook

If you want to process a document before and after saving it, you can implement the following specific hook methods:

BeforeUpsert(ctx context.Context) error // Hook before upserting
AfterUpsert(ctx context.Context) error  // Hook after upserting

Code example:

type upsertHook struct{}

func (u *upsertHook) BeforeUpsert(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("BeforeUpsert called")
	return nil

func (u *upsertHook) AfterUpsert(ctx context.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("AfterUpsert called")
	return nil

    EnableModelHook: true,

updateResult, err := userColl.Updater().ModelHook(new(upsertHook)).Filter(query.Eq("name", "Mingyong Chen")).Updates(update.Set("age", 6)).Upsert(context.Background())

The timing for triggering BeforeUpsert and AfterUpsert is the same as with the UpdateOne or UpdateMany methods, meaning that if the updates parameter does not implement the BeforeUpsert and AfterUpsert methods, these methods will not be triggered.

To trigger BeforeUpsert and AfterUpsert, pass an object that implements the corresponding methods to the ModelHook.