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Document Model

mongox supports tagging structs (the generic parameters of Collection) so that fields are automatically populated when inserting or updating documents. This reduces repetitive code and improves development efficiency.


mongox includes a built-in Model struct, which contains the fields ID, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, and DeletedAt.

type Model struct {
	ID        bson.ObjectID `bson:"_id,omitempty" mongox:"autoID"`
	CreatedAt time.Time     `bson:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time     `bson:"updated_at"`
	DeletedAt time.Time     `bson:"deleted_at,omitempty"`
  • Field Descriptions:
    • ID: The unique identifier for the document. The mongox:"autoID" tag indicates that the ObjectID value will be automatically set when the document is inserted.
    • CreatedAt: The creation time of the document. If the field's value is the zero value when the document is inserted, it will be automatically set to the current time.
    • UpdatedAt: The last update time of the document. If the field’s value is the zero value when the document is inserted or if the document is updated, it will be automatically set to the current time.
    • DeletedAt: The deletion time of the document.

You can embed the Model struct into your own defined structs like this:

type User struct {
	mongox.Model `bson:",inline"`
	Name         string `bson:"name"`
	Age          int    `bson:"age"`

Advanced Usage

ID Field Auto-Population

If the struct contains an ID field of type bson.ObjectID and is tagged with mongox:"autoID", mongox will automatically set the ID field value.

type User struct {
    ID bson.ObjectID `bson:"_id,omitempty" mongox:"autoID"`
    Name string `bson:"name"`
    Age int `bson:"age"`

Auto-Populating CreatedAt and UpdatedAt Fields

If the struct contains CreatedAt and UpdatedAt fields, mongox will automatically set their values. These fields support time.Time, int, and int64 types.

If you wish to use fields other than CreatedAt and UpdatedAt, you can configure the autoCreateTime and autoUpdateTime tags.

type User struct {
	CreatedAt        time.Time // Automatically set to the current time if zero value when inserting
	UpdatedAt        int       // Automatically set to the current timestamp (in seconds) if zero value when inserting or updating
	CreateSecondTime int64     `mongox:"autoCreateTime"`        // Fills with timestamp in seconds
	UpdateSecondTime int64     `mongox:"autoUpdateTime:second"` // Fills with timestamp in seconds
	CreateMilliTime  int64     `mongox:"autoCreateTime:milli"`  // Fills with timestamp in milliseconds
	UpdateMilliTime  int64     `mongox:"autoUpdateTime:milli"`  // Fills with timestamp in milliseconds
	CreateNanoTime   int64     `mongox:"autoCreateTime:nano"`   // Fills with timestamp in nanoseconds
	UpdateNanoTime   int64     `mongox:"autoUpdateTime:nano"`   // Fills with timestamp in nanoseconds

Field Tags

mongox supports the following field tags:

Tag NameDescription
autoIDAutomatically sets the field value to ObjectID type when the document is inserted, if the field is zero value.
autoCreateTimeAutomatically sets the field value to the current time when the document is inserted, if the field is zero value. You can also use the second, milli, or nano timestamp precision.
autoUpdateTimeAutomatically sets the field value to the current time when the document is inserted or updated, if the field is zero value. You can also use the second, milli, or nano timestamp precision.