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Generic Collection

mongox provides a generic Collection object, which supports chainable calls to operate on MongoDB collections, making data operations more convenient.

Create a Collection

type User struct {
  mongox.Model `bson:"inline"`
  Name         string `bson:"name"`
  Age          int    `bson:"age"`
// Sample code, not the best way to create it
func newCollection() *mongo.Collection {
  client, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017").SetAuth(options.Credential{
      Username:   "test",
      Password:   "test",
      AuthSource: "db-test",
  if err != nil {
  err = client.Ping(context.Background(), readpref.Primary())
  if err != nil {
  collection := client.Database("db-test").Collection("test_post")
  return collection

// You need to create a *mongo.Collection object in advance
mongoColl := newCollection()
// Create a collection using the User struct as a generic parameter
userColl := mongox.NewCollection[User](mongoColl)

With the mongox.NewCollection function, we can specify generic parameters and create a generic Collection object. This way we can use the userColl object to manipulate the document of type User.