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Struct Validation

go mongox supports validating field values using struct tags (tag). This validation feature is based on the validation rules provided by the playground/validator library.

type User struct {
	mongox.Model   `bson:"inline"`
	Name           string `bson:"name"`
	Age            uint8  `validate:"gte=0,lte=130"`                // Ensures age is between 0 and 130
	Email          string `json:"e-mail" validate:"required,email"` // Indicates this field is required and must be in a valid email format during validation.
	FavouriteColor string `validate:"hexcolor|rgb|rgba"`            // Ensures the provided color value is either a hex color code or in RGB/RGBA format.

This validation feature is currently available for the following API operations:

  • InsertOne: Inserts a single document
  • InsertMany: Inserts multiple documents

By integrating the playground/validator library, go mongox offers a robust and flexible validation mechanism to ensure data accuracy and consistency.

Note: Validation will only be enabled when the EnableValidationHook option is set to true during plugin initialization (for details, refer to Enabling Built-in Plugins - Hooks).